general adventures in craftiness

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Seeing Spots

Here's the front of the sweater. Obviously it needs some blocking. I like the contrasting hem and will add that to the sleeves and neckline. I haven't been to my LYS in about a month with vacations and work and all. I can't believe I've gone this long without buying any new yarn! I was looking through some old Rebeccas and Rowans last night and found about six patterns I wanted to knit for fall. It's amazing I didn't already have these patterns bookmarked. I felt as if I had never noticed them before. It's also been a really long time since I attended an open knit or stitch and bitch meeting. That's another reason I'm looking forward to fall–things will slow down a bit. I feel like I have been constantly on the go this whole summer.


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